After the Disaster—An Overview of the State CEDAR Program and Rebuilding Using NYS Code

The Department of State Division of Code Enforcement and Administration’s Code Enforcement Disaster Assistance Response (CEDAR) Program provides requesting communities with timely, appropriate post-disaster assistance as part of the statewide coordinated effort under the leadership of the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Office of Emergency Management.  The program’s initial disaster response focuses on performing rapid Post-disaster Building Assessments (PBDAs) of damaged structures in affected communities for use as part of the application process to request assistance through FEMA.

Attendees will learn how to apply, train and become involved in CEDAR, while also learning the principles of the Applied Technology Council (ATC) 45 Field Manual: Safety Evaluation of Buildings After Wind Storms and Floods.  Attendees will also be introduced to emerging building codes, which are tailored to enhance the resiliency of buildings.

Eric C. Bradshaw
NYS Department of State Division of Building Standards and Codes
Albany, NY

Ronald Piester AIA
NYS Department of State Division of Building Standards and Codes
Albany, NY

Illya Azaroff AIA 
+LAB architects
Brooklyn, NY